
February 15

What you need to monitor in your competitor’s ad campaign for winning digital competition in interior & remodel business niche?

You must constantly be aware of what your competitors are doing if you want to keep a competitive advantage over them. By doing this, you’ll be able to remain one step ahead of the competition and preserve your status as the preferred business in your niche.

1. Type of Content 

In order to boost audience engagement, you must incorporate specific types of content into your advertising strategy. This will guarantee that your campaigns remain cohesive and in balance.

If you produce too much of one type of content, your audience will react negatively. If you’re unsure of which type of content has the best response, you may track this using the impressions metric.

2.  Impressions & Ad Frequency 

Impressions occur when a screen displays an advertisement. You may check how frequently your competitors’ ads are being displayed while you keep an eye on theirs.

This might assist you in choosing the frequency of your advertising in the Facebook ads manager section. Too many repetitions of your advertisement can overwhelm and irritate audience. Not running the advertisement frequently enough results in you not sticking out in the thoughts of consumers, which can negatively impact the sales of your company.

3. ​Time Spent on Current Ads

You must be aware of the advertisements that your competitors are still running in order to track this metric. This implies that it can take you up to sixty days to locate them.

You might start to see a pattern in the kinds of advertisements they run as you do this. This is due to the fact that your competitors won’t stray from an advertisement that is known to perform successfully.

In fact, they’ll keep making new advertisements while keeping an eye on the one that worked best for them. Additionally, you’ll discover instances of other ads that your competitors are testing to see whether they’ll generate the same level of response as the earlier ones.

4. Sponsored Deals

53% of millennials said they search for coupons or deals when they go shopping. People enjoy finding ways to buy things for less money. Check to discover if your competitors are offering any special offers or coupons when you see that more customers are shopping with them. You’ll increase the number of customers who start buying with your company by doing this. Why are these discounts being offered? Are they exclusively offered for non-selling products? What specific type of coupon it is?

5. Landing Page

If the advertiser is not using Facebook Lead Ads, you can click on the advertisements to view the landing page that they are using. This might also provide you ideas for enhancing your own landing pages and improving conversion rates. Even if you have someone’s attention, you run the risk of losing it if you are not providing them with useful information. Keep in mind that any products or services you develop must address the demands or issues of your intended market.

Start using FB ads spying tool today and follow us to for more information. 


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