Houzz is undeniably the best platform for kitchen and bath remodelers and interior designers. Having great reviews on your profile is one of the most important factors a Houzz user takes into consideration before hiring a professional. The more reviews you have on your Houzz profile, the more authoritative your company looks, and the more exposure it can get from the other users on this platform.
The review process on Houzz is not a complex one. Everyone and anyone can follow these simple steps and leave a review if you have worked with them. However, the challenge is to prepare your customers to leave a review and make them understand what it means for your business.
Here are some tips you can use to get more reviews on Houzz:
4 Tips to Get More Houzz Reviews
1. Send an Email to Your Clients
In order to get a review on your Houzz profile, just log into your account and click the “Get Reviews” button present next to your profile picture. Once you’ve clicked this button, you’ll see a form in front of you. Enter the email address of the client you want a review from. Then, write a personalized message. Houzz also shows a default message in the Request Message Box but it’s better to customize your message keeping your client in mind. After you have written the message, click the “Send” button and your client will receive your email in their inbox.
Houzz will also provide them step-by-step instructions on how they can submit a review on your profile. Just make sure to collect the email address of your clients while you are doing business with them.
2. Encourage Your Clients to Join Houzz
If your clients are not on Houzz, you can still get a review from them. The Houzz team does that work for you. Ask your client personally to leave a review and once they agree, just provide their information to Houzz. The team contacts your client and writes the review for them. However, Houzz only verifies the review of the people who are members of this platform. So, it’s better if you can encourage your client to sign up on Houzz and leave a review for you.
3. Embed the Review Form on Your Site
Another good way to get more Houzz reviews is to embed the link of the review form on your site. Once you complete a project with your client, send the link and request them to write a review for you. Remember, new reviews take up to 3 days to be reviewed by the Houzz team so be patient with this process.
4. Respond to Your Customers
Once your clients leave a review on your profile, don’t forget to thank them publicly on their profile as a token of appreciation. Responding to the comments of your clients shows that you pay great attention to their feedback and take it seriously. When you make your clients feel special, you don’t have to worry about going through a long review process. They do it for you without you requesting them to do so.